Unity Scriptable Render Pipeline - Learnxsplaystation5Oct 15, 20231 min readUpdated: Oct 16, 2023Unity Custom SRP Tutorials (catlikecoding.com)Looooong/Unity-SRP-VXGI: Voxel-based Global Illumination using Unity Scriptable Render Pipeline (github.com)cinight/CustomSRP: Many mini-custom-SRPs showing how to achieve different things when creating your own SRP. Only SRP Core package is needed. (github.com)AKGWSB/ToyRenderPipeline: Custom deferred render pipeline with Unity SRP(Scriptable Render Pipeline) (github.com)ColinLeung-NiloCat/UnityURP-BillboardLensFlareShader: (1)Add a new Quad GameObject (2)Use this shader (3)Done! Now you have billboard lens flare shader for URP! (github.com)wlgys8/SRPLearn: Unity Programmable Render Pipeline Wheels project (github.com)Delt06/toon-rp: 🌔 A Scriptable Render Pipeline (SRP) designed for toon/stylized visuals. (github.com)Moonflow-Studio/Moonflow-Lensflare-System: ■■Finished■■ Unity full pipeline multi light source lens flare rendering scheme based on atlas (github.com)GavinKG/PerObjectShadowSRP: Per-object shadow implementation using Unity SRP. (github.com)AkilarLiao/CustomSRP: The several demonstration examples of how to customize the rendering pipeline under unity SRP (github.com)DaiZiLing/Anisotropy-Shader-For-Unity-SRP (github.com)marcozakaria/Unity-Shaders-from-Shader-Toy: Converted Unity shaders from SahderToy to Unity shading language (github.com)sienaiwun/TAA_Unity_URP: Temporal Anti-Aliasing(TAA) for Unity’s Universal Render Pipeline (github.com)ColinLeung-NiloCat/UnityURPUnlitScreenSpaceDecalShader: Unity unlit screen space decal shader for URP. Just create a new material using this shader, then assign it to a new unity cube GameObject = DONE, now you have unlit decal working in URP (github.com)
Unity Custom SRP Tutorials (catlikecoding.com)Looooong/Unity-SRP-VXGI: Voxel-based Global Illumination using Unity Scriptable Render Pipeline (github.com)cinight/CustomSRP: Many mini-custom-SRPs showing how to achieve different things when creating your own SRP. Only SRP Core package is needed. (github.com)AKGWSB/ToyRenderPipeline: Custom deferred render pipeline with Unity SRP(Scriptable Render Pipeline) (github.com)ColinLeung-NiloCat/UnityURP-BillboardLensFlareShader: (1)Add a new Quad GameObject (2)Use this shader (3)Done! Now you have billboard lens flare shader for URP! (github.com)wlgys8/SRPLearn: Unity Programmable Render Pipeline Wheels project (github.com)Delt06/toon-rp: 🌔 A Scriptable Render Pipeline (SRP) designed for toon/stylized visuals. (github.com)Moonflow-Studio/Moonflow-Lensflare-System: ■■Finished■■ Unity full pipeline multi light source lens flare rendering scheme based on atlas (github.com)GavinKG/PerObjectShadowSRP: Per-object shadow implementation using Unity SRP. (github.com)AkilarLiao/CustomSRP: The several demonstration examples of how to customize the rendering pipeline under unity SRP (github.com)DaiZiLing/Anisotropy-Shader-For-Unity-SRP (github.com)marcozakaria/Unity-Shaders-from-Shader-Toy: Converted Unity shaders from SahderToy to Unity shading language (github.com)sienaiwun/TAA_Unity_URP: Temporal Anti-Aliasing(TAA) for Unity’s Universal Render Pipeline (github.com)ColinLeung-NiloCat/UnityURPUnlitScreenSpaceDecalShader: Unity unlit screen space decal shader for URP. Just create a new material using this shader, then assign it to a new unity cube GameObject = DONE, now you have unlit decal working in URP (github.com)